Synagro provides customers and communities with biosolids and residuals solutions. What is the definition of biosolids?
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
“The terms biosolids and sewage sludge are often used interchangeably. When properly treated and processed, sewage sludge becomes biosolids; the nutrient-rich organic materials resulting from the treatment of domestic sewage in a wastewater treatment facility. Biosolids can be recycled and applied as fertilizer to improve and maintain productive soils and stimulate plant growth…Effective sewage sludge and biosolids management options help ensure that useful materials are recycled on land and harmful materials are not released to water bodies.“
How Biosolids Are Used
Biosolids can be used for landscaping, forestry, land reclamation and agriculture. Biosolids provide organic compost and fertilizer that improves soil.
The Northwest Biosolids Management Association lists these benefits of properly applied and managed biosolids:
- Provide essential plant nutrients
- Improve soil structure and tilth
- Add organic matter
- Enhance moisture retention
- Reduce soil erosion
Synagro partners with customers and communities to determine the best residuals and biosolids solutions. There are many ways to achieve sustainable organic solutions, reflected in the variety of services we offer.
Biosolids Information Resources
- Creating Sustainable Communities (PDF)
- Facts About Biosolids (PDF)
- Industrial Residuals Recycling (PowerPoint Presentation)
- Biosolids Facts from the Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (PDF)
- Basics of Biosolids from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (PDF)
Want to Learn More?
The Water Environment Federation offers many fact sheets about topics related to residuals and biosolids management and natural waste products. You are also welcome to contact us with questions.