Fort Worth contracted with Synagro of Texas-CDR to design, build and operate the drum drying facility, which is schedule to be operational in July 2022

BALTIMORE, Maryland, June 24, 2021 – In February 2020, the City of Fort Worth announced that it had selected Synagro Technologies, Inc., the preeminent provider of biosolids and residuals solutions services in North America, to provide a long-term solution to its biosolids management needs. Now, Synagro is celebrating the arrival of a key component in the new biosolids processing facility – the 14 feet in diameter and 52 feet long drum dryer – after a long journey.

Manufactured in Graz, Austria and traveling by truck to Linz, Austria, the drying drum was loaded onto a barge for Antwerp, Belgium, and then onto a ship bound for Houston, Texas. In mid-May it reached its final destination at the Fort Worth Biosolids Dewatering and Processing Facility in east Fort Worth. Two massive cranes lifted the drum from the truck and moved it into place in the new building, which remains under construction. Watch the video in English here or Spanish here.

The new drying facility will process 100 percent of the biosolids produced by the city’s Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility (VCWRF) as Class A biosolids fertilizer. With the capacity to treat up to 166 million gallons of wastewater per day, the VCWRF is one of the largest in Texas. With rapid growth and a population approaching 900,000, Fort Worth is now the 12th largest city in the United States.

“Synagro is excited to celebrate the achievement of this milestone,” said Andrew Bosinger, vice president, Strategic Accounts, Synagro. “The delivery project is on schedule and on budget, and will enable the City to minimize risks while maximizing the value of the design-build-operate procurement approach.”

About Synagro

Founded in 1986, Synagro Technologies, Inc. works to turn waste into worth by helping more than 1,000 municipal and industrial water and wastewater facilities in North America move toward safer, cleaner and more environmentally beneficial practices. For some, it’s simply cleaning the water supply. For others, it’s much more – we partner with them to process their waste for compost or energy pellets, creating healthy soil and sequestering carbon in the process. As the largest recycler of organic by-products in North America, we’re trusted because we remove risks while keeping the logistics clean. Because we have the most experienced team in the industry, we can offer tailored solutions that ensure no waste goes to waste. Much of our work isn’t pretty. But it’s a greener world emerging from a cleaner one – worth coming from waste – and we think that’s pretty beautiful. Visit to learn more.

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Andrew Bosinger
Vice President, Strategic Accounts
M: 1-443-489-9087

Richard R. Ruberti, Sr.
M: 1-610-952-2390